Research Projects
INvestigating SUpplemental security income participation during the covid-19 pandemic
This paper was written as part of the ECON 508 course during the first-year of an Economics PhD program.
Utilized R and Python in order to employ advanced data merging techniques to integrate datasets from various sources, ensuring comprehensive and accurate data representation for the empirical analysis
Developed and implemented a robust empirical model incorporating state and time fixed effects to examine the impact of COVID-19 deaths on SSI participation rates, both overall and within different age groups
Presented findings and key insights from the research study to a diverse audience, effectively communicating complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner
Utilized R and Python in order to employ advanced data merging techniques to integrate datasets from various sources, ensuring comprehensive and accurate data representation for the empirical analysis - Developed and implemented a robust empirical model incorporating state and time fixed effects to examine the impact of COVID-19 deaths on SSI participation rates, both overall and within different age groups - Presented findings and key insights from the research study to a diverse audience, effectively communicating complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner
This was a term paper I worked on, alongside Bennett Berman, for my Time Series Analysis course.
Conducted stationarity tests such as the Dickey-Fuller, Augmented Dickey-Fuller, ACF and PACF tests in order to test each variable for stationarity
Utilized a vector auto-regressive (VAR) model to estimate and analyze the inter-dependencies among variables over time, generating valuable insights into the impact of COVID-19 on the US S&P 500
Applied the Granger Causality Test to determine the causal relationship between new cases, new deaths per day, and the S&P 500 index during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing evidence of a significant relationship between these variables